Who said people don't read blogs anymore?

Can I share something with you?

Over 3 years ago, the co-founders of a small design agency I worked for in Dallas, TX suddenly decided to sell the company.

Leaving myself and many co-workers without a job.

That was around January 6th, 2020.

And as we know, things were going to be even crazier that year.

I had a lot of time on my hands.

I thought a lot about what I wanted to do with it. Keep in mind, I'm still under 2 years out of college at this point.

I wondered what my next passion would be.

And as I searched for info and other people's stories I found a guy named Ben Issen.

If you've heard of him I will be so shocked and you have to respond to this email saying you have because that'll blow my mind.

Ben, is the founder and awesome creator of supercreative.design.

A small team focused on creating tiny products for folks like you and me.

Ever heard of "Tiny Products", I know I hadn't before reading this article of his.

In short, it's a concept that can be applied to creating software, digital products, and really anything somebody would create in hopes to sell to customers.

Instead of spending months or even years creating products, you spend 2 weeks, coming up with a "minimum viable" version and begin offering it to even see if there is demand.

For the tiny products that do have demand in the market, you go back and can build on those already proven ideas.

Applying this concept to the Notion templates I build has helped me make my first 1k online within 6 months!

Give Ben's article on Tiny Products a read and let me know if you have any questions.

Have a good week!



Hey, I'm Matt! A Digital Product Creator.

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